Hello girls, how are you getting on decorating your house getting ready for the coming X'mas ^_^ Today I have a coupld of photos of my old X'mas tree made new to show you, girls. It's just a small tree but its better for a little home of ours which doesn't have that much space ^_^ This year, I chose to decorate the tree with little granny stars. It kinda came out cute, don't you think? Anyway I was happy in the end seeing it well colored all around, at least it makes one cornor of our house special.
By the way, I have been making cute dresses for my dolls... I will put everything together and put some photos up here Monday evening... so cya and enjoy the weekend!!!! ^_^
paqui said...
Hola me ha gustado mucho tu blog¡¡¡¡te pregunto puedes poner un traductor gracias
Ammie said...
Hola paqui ^_^ I hade my husband translated your previous comment the other night. Anyway thanks for the compliment and for visiting my little space here ^_^ I have added a babelfish translator to my blog, you should be able to see it the right side bar. Thank you ^_^ Buone feste!
rainbowproject said...
Tanti-Tantissimi auguri per un Natale sereno ed un anno nuovo ricco di gioia!
Un bacio